Probably the most common group of patients Dr. James Shaw sees at Shaw Plastic Surgery in Wichita, Kansas are women who are done having children and looking for a mommy makeover. Pregnancy and breast feeding usually cause permanent changes in the breasts and abdomen. The breasts often have a combination of skin stretching and volume loss. The abdominal skin may be loose or have varying degrees of damage from stretching. Sometimes C-section scars create a “shelf” of loose skin above the scar. Many moms work very hard to return to their pre-pregnancy weight. But the changes to the breasts and abdomen are not likely to fully resolve despite her commitment to dieting and exercise. The mommy makeover is the surgical option to regain some of the pre-pregnancy form.

“Dr. Shaw finally gave me back my confidence. As I approached my 50 year birthday I was not happy with my body. After a mommy makeover I am back to feeling good about my body. I am just at 2 months post op and see the changes every day. The staff and facility are perfect every time. Thank you Dr. Shaw!”